Saturday, June 9, 2007

Martha Stewart is wretched

Delicious celebrityrumors reports that Martha Stewart, the train-wreck homemaking entrepreneur turned stock-market criminal was enraged to find that her recently arrested driver was Egyptian!

New York Post reveals this juicy tidbit:

After Stewart left her Bedford home early to make an appearance on “The View,” she noticed on the ride into town that her car was being followed by a police cruiser. When her car stopped at the “View” studios on the Upper West Side, it was surrounded by officers, who promptly arrested her driver. A visibly upset Stewart went up to her dressing room and, according to a source, “started shouting loudly to an assistant over the phone.” The domestic diva yelled, “How could you do this to me? Don’t you do background checks on people? He was Egyptian! What do I pay you people for?”

Next thing we know she'll be banning Egyptian cotton in her k-mart line of sheets!

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